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Meet our Staff

Ben is the son of the late and always great Tony Martin and does everything he can to help this company to push forward. He hand makes most of the Lane Masters balls him self and takes pride in delivering the best product he can to the market to show all the big brands out there we can perform on the same level as them. He always takes time out of his day to help any and all customer. He treats everybody as equals and makes sure they get what they want. If there is ever an issue that needs to handled you can reach out to him no matter how big or how small.



(209) 405-3135

Monday-Sunday 8am-8pm

Ben Martin

Warehouse/Production Manager

Yun Jung

V.P. of California Bowling

Yun Has several very important jobs with our company. He manages all finances, Material shipments and bookkeeping records allowing Tony the freedom to be available to our clients. Yun is also our contact in Korea making sure we are well represented in the markets overseas. Yun has been in the bowling business representing Lord Field, Co. Ltd. for many years and is well known in the bowling community.

Our Mission is to provide bowlers the best bowling experience and products available by including their reviews and opinions in the process of making and developing new equipment. With cooperation we can make our products directly for the "Average League Bowler".

Mission Statement



Cell: (646) 229-1858



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